Valve Standards
International standards for valves in piping systems
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API - Valve Standards
An overview of the American Petroleum Institute - API - valve standards
ASME - Valve Standards
An overview of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME - valve standards
ASTM - Valve Standards
An overview of ASTM International - American Society for Testing and Materials - valve standards
BSi - British Standard Valves
An overview of BSi - British Standard institute valve standards
Chinese Valve Standards
Chinese standards for steel, cast iron and metal valves
Chinese and International Valve Standards
Chinese valve standards compared with the international ISO, ASTM , ASME, ANSI, MSS, API and JIS standards
Comparing American and British Piping Standards
Comparing US American (ASTM) and British (BSi) piping standards - specifications, grades and material descriptions
DIN - Valve Standards
An overview of DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung - valve standards
ISO Valve Standards
An overview of International Organization for Standardization - ISO - valve standards
JIS - Flanges, Bolts, Nuts, and Gaskets Standards
Japanese industrial flanges, bolts, nuts, and gaskets standards and specifications from JAS - the Japanese Standards Association
JIS - Valve Standards
Japanese industrial valve standards and specifications from JAS - the Japanese Standards Association
MSS - Valve Standards
Manufacturers Standardization Society - MSS - of the Valve and Fittings Industry - valve standards
Plastic Materials Commonly Used in Valves
An introduction to plastic materials commonly used in valves
SAE Valve Standards
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers - valve standards
Safety Valve Standards
An survey of international safety valve standards. The most common used standards in Germany, UK, USA, France, Japan, Australia and Europe
Safety Valves in Heating Systems
Boilers 275 to 1500 kW and Safety Valves
Temperature Pressure ratings Valves
Temperature and pressure ratings of valves according API 6D
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Kami Supplier yang menyediakan keperluan industri seperti Stainless Steel,Fitting, Flange, Elbow, Tee, Reducer, Valve, Orifice, Pipa, SWG, Spiral Wound Gasket, Stud Bolt, Baut, Ring Joint
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